Monday, October 21, 2019

Siera's Bold Essaying

In my personal essay I focused on trying to write through one of the paradoxes that exists in my life right now. Writing out my thoughts and feeling about things is not a new thing for me. It really helps me process my thoughts. This time in particular I felt like it allowed me to untangled my thoughts and view them side by side. What I thought was paradox, became a lot more connected as I looked at them in this way. I felt like I could reconcile a lot more of it. I still have questions, but now I feel like I have an idea of what to look at in order to find answers. I didn’t feel like it was hard to be bold in my writing. One thing I do find myself doing though, is sometimes I try to resolve my issues to quickly. I don’t allow myself enough time and space to reside within the problem.


  1. Thats cool that the things you felt paradoxical became more connected throughout your writing. I find i have a similar problem with quick fixes. This one made me ponder a little longer.

  2. I'm glad to see that you weren't afraid to be bold and that you have an idea of where to find answers. While writing isn't the perfect cure-all solution, it allowed you to look at your thoughts with a fresh perspective.

  3. That's really awesome that your writing helped you to find reconciliation between some ideas. I think writing can definitely help us to realize things we hadn't before as we give words to our feelings. That's so cool
