Monday, October 21, 2019

Julie's Bold Essay

Writing my private bold essay was a relief for me. It gave me a chance to wrestle with some of the doubts and worries that I have about the future, and gave me permission to not feel guilty about having some of these doubts. As I wrote this down I thought about the recurring theme in life that you won’t solve your problems unless you have the courage to face them head-on. It is essential to give validity to your feelings, to not dismiss them as stupid or something that will just fade away. Writing them down is a great way to do that. If you’re not willing to take the time to address those feelings, you won’t acknowledge them and resolve to tackle them head-on.

Maybe that’s why feelings can be an abyss, something dark and scary to enter. In this exercise I learned about my own tendency to push some of my darker fears/feelings away in hopes that they will go away. But at the same time I learned about the courage that writing--not just writing, but writing with authenticity and honesty--gives me to face those feelings.


  1. i like your second paragraph. It almost feels like a gateway into your way of thinking, a thought bubble. I felt similarly.

  2. Yeah for sure! I really ,really get where you're coming from here. I feel like writing like this made me feel comfortable but also uncomfortable. I definitely trusted my writing but it was also scary to give myself permission to think about things I usually try to avoid.
