Monday, October 21, 2019

Cassie's Bold Writing

I used to write very consistently and boldly in my journal. It was such a great way for me to sort through things. I have not done that in a really long time and as I did this assignment I kind of realized why I stopped doing it, but also why I need to challenge myself to resume.

It can be really scary to wade into thoughts that I'd rather ignore without an expectation of figuring out those questions. But that is also very freeing. It's a wonderful thing to not have to search for if I'm saying something wrong (that would be misunderstood, or that I'll change my mind about, or that is hyperbolic, etc.) and just be able to say what I feel as I feel it. I thought this would feel more like opening a wound, and it did for a time, but I did actually find some clarity as well. As I was writing, I realized that there was an apology that I never gave someone who I owed it and I saw a little clearer how I had hurt them. Apologizing actually drastically improved our relationship in just a couple of days. I was not expecting that, and I don't expect that from future bold writing. But I think I have more confidence in my perspective as I write now and in the clarity being totally authentic without expectation can allow. 

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