Sunday, October 20, 2019

Marcus's Bold Essay Response

After writing boldly, I burnt my words. Or in this case erased them from my computer and existence. I am not one to explain myself completely and being able to do so in writing was a little daunting. There isn’t much I hold back, but when it came to my topic, I realized there is a lot more digging to do. My topic is nothing of scandalous occurrences, emotional strife, or spiritual revelations, but it is a complex story of my life within the confines of God’s plan and timing. There seems to be things I don’t understand, and based off of my last Blog post, timelines are the issue. While exploring the concept for writing boldly, lots of minor details about my life that I had seemed to be forgotten came back. My lifeline seems to have unexplainable knots tied into it and unraveling those knots gave me a less disheveled perspective of how I view myself. This was a good exercise to see clearly about what events I would like to include into my paper – giving clearer understanding for the readers. Hopefully, I will be able to portray everything needed about time, in due time.


  1. It's interesting that this exercise was able to bring back parts of your history that you had forgotten. Time has a way of doing that sort of thing, and it's amazing how putting thoughts on paper is able to bring back forgotten memories and pieces of the past.

  2. It's interesting to see the different ways that we responded to this prompt. Some of us were retrospective, others questioning. It's neat to read about your experience with this.

  3. Pretty interesting how you direct this back to your normal writing. I noticed a few things I could carry over from bold writing to standard writing, but I never actually thought it as an intentional byproduct of the exercise. I suppose for me it was less literary than your writing, which probably means you enjoyed reading your boldness more than I did

  4. I like that you "burned" your bold writing. It must have been even more freeing because you did that.

  5. That's pretty cool that you burned your writing. I feel like that's a good sign that what you wrote about means a lot and you too it seriously.
