Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marcus's Essay Plan

My topic is the effects of timelines in our lives. Within the church, and even outside the church, there seems to be a large stigma surrounding timelines. Well, mine isn’t ordinary. There are a lot of pressures on graduating college as a certain time, getting married at a certain time, going on a mission at a certain time. However, my timeline isn’t your timeline, nor God’s timeline.

As for a form to imitate in my essay, I would like to make it more personal with the use of letters, like Martine Leavitt. I think the use of letters (in this case, to myself) would add an interesting effect and cut up the traditional essay format. The manner in which we format our text allows us to read it differently – I’d like to experiment with that.

The format of my essay will mimic that of a traditional essay but will also include choppier and shorter paragraphs with the occasional letter to myself. These short letters will include motivation saying or advice to myself during difficult times. The content will include moments I feel I let myself down by falling behind: Gymnastics, Learning the Gospel, Late advancements in the Mission field, Getting into College, Joining a BYU Athletic Team, etc. I will include each of these in a timeline, but the timeline may have some hiccups.


  1. I like the idea of writing a letter to yourself. I imagine that it will be very reflective in that way. Reminds me of the Brad Paisely song "Letter to Me" where he writes a letter to himself in the past about his 17 year oldish self.

  2. I think it's bold to write letters for your form when most people's letters these days are written in emails. Although, that in itself is a great idea. At any rate, it will be interesting to see how your writing ends up looking, and what makes the cut in you "letters."
