Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dorothy's Essay Plan

1. Reflect: The character and different scene settings helped me to explore a different type of descriptive writing. This was beneficial in also setting to the tone of the essay and foreshadowing what is about to happen through scene setting. I want to incorporate this in my essay so that the reader can envision themselves in the same situation and place. I enjoyed the idea of jumping right into the story at first and later explaining the context as the essay builds.

2. Select: I have decided to write about my experience returning to the mission field after I came home when I got sick. Rather than dwell on the disheartening experience of returning home early, I want to celebrate the decision that I made to complete my mission after months of doctor's appointments and an internal wrestle with the decision. Being an extremely indecisive person myself, I think that by exploring how this decision was made in an LDS content will be beneficial to me as a writer and as a Latter-day Saint.

3. Comment: I loved how Hoiland retained a reverence throughout her pieces, but was also able to make light of some of difficult situations. For example, she shares how difficult and lonely it was to be in Sweden with two small children but never lingered on the hardship, rather what she did to make the best of the situation. I also like how she has sections of things like what she can believe better, what she longer believes and etc. She just lists things in these passages and it creates a powerful impact. This could make a strong concluding paragraph, without being too didactic.

4. Plan: I want to structure my essay similar to how Hoiland structured many of hers. While she reflects on a certain situation, these situations she chooses are often smaller moments that have impacted her. I want to incorporate the same thing in my essay, without being too didactic, which Hoiland did a good job at.


  1. I think that your sensitivity to being didactic in your personal essay will be important when speaking about this subject. But it will be a really great essay if you decide to speak on the experience to return to the mission field as a "sister" when that is not culturally expected, yet you decided to do it on your own. That in itself is very telling of your character.

  2. I like the direction you're headed in. It sounds clear and interesting to read.

  3. Yeah, I loved that about Hoiland's writing too. I loved how she mentioned the hardship just enough for it to be understood, but then she moved onto the other aspects of the experience also. It was very edifying. I want to do this with my writing too. I am excited to see what you do with it. That sounds like a really powerful story that you'll do an excellent job exploring.

  4. The smaller moments will allow you explore more ideas.
