Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ana's Incorporating Quotes

“I hope you do not let anyone else's expectations direct the course of your life.”
Julianne Donaldson, Edenbrooke

No one around me should determine where my life goes. There have been numerous times in my life where I have changed what I wanted to do or say because of what someone else thought—but that shouldn’t be how life works. I have found when I write down my goals and dreams on paper, it’s easier for me to follow through with them no matter how others respond.    

I have learned, in order to make the most out of life, I need to change my perspective during certain parts of my life:
 “You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
During the hardest parts of my life, I have learned to smile and laugh about it. As I do, years later, I look back and am astonished I was able to go through what I did. Looking at the positive in circumstances always makes me happier. There is always something I can be happy about, even when my world is falling apart.

Sometimes I need to laugh in order to make myself feel better during the hard times. After all, “If you can laugh in the face of adversity, you’re bullet-proof,” as Ricky Gervais says. Laughing not only is good for the brain, it also helps to calm my situations. No matter what I’m going through day by day, laughing makes everything seem easier and prepares me to take on the challenges that come my way. Sometimes people ask why I’m always happy. What they don’t know sometimes is that I’m not always happy; what they see is how I react.


  1. I love all of these different quotes you used and how you they all revolved around one thing- looking for your own happiness. These are all very positive and comforting in difficult times I am sure!

  2. Okay, I especially love the Julianne Donaldson quote. Edenbrooke was such a cute book! Thanks for sharing.

  3. The laughing one was fun to read because it doesn't feel so much like a journal entry as most personal essays do. its different and great!

  4. Your first quote is actually perfect for my own paper. I will have to look more into what else Julianne has said. The little snippet using the quote was great too.
