Monday, October 28, 2019

Henry incorporating Quotes

“Get up and win the race” runs through my head whenever times get tough. These words have meant so much more than just lines of a poem. It reminds me of what is important in the grand scheme of things and I really value in life. DH Groberg’s words have been with me since I was a kid. They represent what I believe and how I should respond in times of trial. I feel closer to home and the warmth of these positive words whenever I hear them.

Every so often in life I find myself feeling the way Joseph Smith felt when visited by the Angel Moroni. “At first I was afraid, but the fear soon left me.” When faced with new an daunting challenges my first reaction is almost always to be afraid and intimidated. It is hard to see an easy road to take, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the correct road. I can always rely on the comfort of the spirit to calm me and give me strength and confidence going forward.

I’m not a big Harry Potter fan, yet the words of Dumbledore have still found a way to have a great effect on me and the way I strive to live my life. “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Too often I find myself lacking the confidence to pursue a personal goal of mine because of my fear of failing. It is a good reminder to know that it is more important for me to always try my hardest and not worry about the outcome, then obsess over the results of whatever it is I am attempting.


  1. Love the Dumbledore quote, he has some good ones! I liked your first quote, because it was so simple. I didn't think about the fact that I have my own little saying I use a lot, that could have worked for this assignment. I really liked that perspective.

  2. In the second paragrapg, I liked how you took a usually overlooked part of a Joseph Smith account and personalized to a meaning more empowering than what most people can offer about the whole passage. Very good internalizing.
