Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ana's Bold Essaying Response

As I wrote about my topic I chose for my private writing, I noticed I kept thinking about concerns and questions I had with my topic. I was able to dig deep into a topic that isn’t talked about frequently. I realized that sometimes it takes writing about concerns in order to crack what my thoughts really are. It helped me develop concrete opinions and questions about what I was writing about. At first, I had to reflect on what I actually thought on the topic, then, once I started writing, more and more thoughts appeared; it was definitely a challenge at the beginning, then became easier. There were times when I thought about a question I had, or an idea I wanted to explore, and then the direction I had originally anticipated went an entirely different route. When I dealt on my newly-found ideas, my writing seemed to flow a lot more naturally. It goes to show that sometimes I don’t recognize how much of an opinion I actually have about a topic.


  1. I like how this exercise helped you establish concrete opinions. I think it is really important to have a stance on a specific topic, viewpoint, or opinion about yourself and it seemed like writing it all out helped you get there. I'll have to do this more often for that specific reason.

  2. Ana, I love your comment about how your writing went a different direction than you thought it would. I totally relate to that. My whole essay was honestly kind of a mess because it changed tacks so quickly.

  3. I like how your bold writing encouraged you to think deeply about this topic. Sometimes getting the words out and forming more concrete sentences and thoughts forces us to take a stand on the topic and dig deeply.
