Monday, October 14, 2019

Marcus's Character Sketches

His frail figure struggles with the excitement of meeting one of his heroes. Pure joy gleams from his eyes as he whispers with complete adoration – “Spiderman”. A nurse mentions that he suffers from severe muscular dystrophy and doesn’t usually see him so animated. Nevertheless, the boy shuffles through some papers and lifts up his drawing of him and Spiderman playing together. 

Sitting on the sand, soaking in the last glimpses of sunset – “It’s about time. You ready?” He darts toward the ocean, feet flailing behind him like an Olympic sprinter. Knees raises high trying to cut through the giant waves as they overcome him. His body twists and turns as its thrown side to side from oncoming waves. I just sit there. Bewildered. A young child would have done the same, but he’s 26.

Sitting majestically on the porch with her yellow locks flowing in the wind. She sniffs at the air taking in the salty scent with each ocean breeze. Bundled with all fours wrapped in a blanket I placed on her earlier, she glances at each runner as they pass by – longing to join them. After several hours lying motionless, she climbs up letting the blanket slide off, slumping to the floor. Paddling to the door, turning and glairing, she pauses, waiting for me to open it. I get up and slide the screen open while including a, “here you go” as she walks past. She says “thanks and walks in.


  1. The boy saying spiderman really warmed my heart. The italics and word-choice you used to describe his voice just made me really hear him and it was so sweet and tender. I loved that one.

  2. I liked the second one, it was clever the description of boyish actions and the guy ended up being 26.

  3. I liked the use of dialogue in your second post! Very intriguing, and a good intro.
