Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Buckets's Belief Sketch

They are everywhere. Apparitions from the past. I can't go a day without seeing them. But they are worse than ghosts, they are old acquaintances.

The first one today. His square shoulders and towering body hunch over his phone. We were in the same ward two years ago. He lived three doors down. I sat next to him in Elders Quorum once. He made a bland comment about scripture study during a "breakout session." His suit was sharkskin but he didn't shower. That was the sole moment between us.
But what was his name? Was it worth beginning the obscure recollection process? Our eyes haven't met, so we are safe. I can keep walking. I am running late anyway.

In less than ten minutes the next one appears. Bright blue eyes, rushed gait. A nasally inflection confirmed my fear. Even worse, I remembered her name. Rachael. We had English 251 together. She announced she was going to the Farmington New Mexico mission. We were in the MTC together, but she never recognized me. That was five years ago.
She materializes right in front of me. Eye contact. Mild panic. My mind's recesses rattle off faint mantras. "Fellowship!" "Love!" "Reach Out!" "Minister!"
But before I can stammer a word she disappears into the crowd. Relief and pain simultaneously shoot through me.

Already two ghosts appeared and I've been on campus for ten minutes? This will be a spooky day.


  1. This is an interesting section and experience. One that I can relate to. I am interested to see what direction this is going to take and what the purpose of seeing these people is.

  2. I like how you use a little bit of the character sketches and scene setting elements we have already practiced. It presents the information clearly and is intriguing to see what happens next.

  3. I liked how you added so much personality to the scene. It was also fun to see you compare them to two ghosts. The way you paralleled things was intriguing.

  4. I really liked the inner dialogue going on. It gave me as the reader a good insight into your mind and how you think.

  5. Your thoughts gave so much character to such a passing moment. I'm curious to see if these two people come back up again and if your day leads you to any more old acquaintances.

  6. I love this because it shows the internal struggle. It is very deep in this way. Well done. I like the suspense within it. made it interesting. With almost philosophical lines in the first coupe.
