Monday, October 14, 2019

Cassie's Characterizations

1. Her Kids-to-Kids jeans already have grass stains and her bright red hair is falling out of her braids. We haven't even reached the park. "I spy with my little itty bitty littlest eye something blue!" She shouts poking the driver to point up at the sky. "Is it the sky?" He asks. She takes a drink of her cream soda through a straw we had rummaged around in the jockey box to find for her. "Nope! I was pranking you, it was my shoes!"

2. Dad puts two Diet sodas in the fridge to get cold before lunchtime. Without work lunches, he mostly just has leftovers in his office alone. A fizzy soda can make things more interesting. He walks around the rooms to turn off each rebellious light and turns down the thermostat just a little before grabbing a blanket.

3. Her feet have been bigger than her mother's since she was 13. It seems like everything about her has been bigger than her mom. Her thighs, her stomach, her height. Even the sound of her voice seemed to take up too much space. She tiptoed upstairs like a fugitive to get a snack, some sugary cereal full of carbs and unprocessed sugars. She could see herself in the reflection of the mirror over the sink. She looked away. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your last one. Those are very relatable feelings
