Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Siera's Belief Reflection Sketch

My eyes were still heavy, but at least my bladder wasn’t full. The sun continued to beat hard upon us, but at this point I was a pro at being wet. I wandered away for the sea of Galilee and back over to the pile of rocks under the sanctuary that looked more like a beetle than a church.  The white stones stained brown from being covered for centuries, made an almost perfect hexagon within another hexagon. The walls now only stood two feet tall, but I tried to imagine them in their former glory as strong supports for a humble home.
The stones in the smaller hexagon kind of reminded me of benches, angled as though the main event was in the middle of the room. I remember something that Dr. Skinner said in one of my more awake moments, “Peter’s house was probably one of the first meeting houses at the early church.”
In my mind’s eye I saw people crowded with in this small polygon, hugging each other, talking with each other, and being taught the word by the Savior. The intimacy of the moment was almost tangible. I could feel the brotherhood, it was a glow and a warmth that was much different than the sun on my back. I continued my journey, following them through a part of the black stone town reaching to that first century synagogue.  


  1. I like the description of your physical surrounding and how this impacts the moment you are experiencing. It is clear that this is going to be a sentimental piece, given the mention of the Savior and brotherhood, but you do a good job at refraining from being didactic.

  2. I loved the beginning descriptions--they gave character, and led into the connection of the sea really well. How you gave a flashback in the second paragraph also worked well.

  3. I loved how you reflected back on biblical history and connected it with your own life. It was a great way to express your beliefs without being too didactic.

  4. There was nice usage of concrete words. It helped ground an often fantasized location of Israel. Additionally, you can't really top "my mind was heavy, but at least my bladder wasn't full" in terms of quirky, inviting openers.
