Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dorothy's Revision Plan

1. Content: The content of my narrative needs to be revised a little so that the reader is better able to follow what is happening and why it matters. I plan on including a small paragraph about what made coming home early difficult and the stigma around that. I want to include a little bit more about the struggle it was to decide to return to the mission field, but not make it a focus.

2. Form: In my draft, I assumed that I was writing for a general LDS audience, but after I met with Dr. Burton, we discussed how more context needs to be given in my essay. I will pay more attention to the setting and describing why the events are monumental so that I can better connect with my audience.

3. Visual Design: I plan to include photos from my time in Cape Verde as well as a photo of when I received my new mission call. I will include a photo of the scenery of Cape Verde as well in the middle of the blogpost so that the reader can feel more familiar with the environment that I mention.

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