Tuesday, October 8, 2019

"Three Scenes from Siera's Life

It was only 9 in the morning and already sweat was pooling under my kneecaps and running down my leg. I pulled at my flowy pant leg willing it to go above my ankle. It wouldn’t budge owing to linen fabric and the tight band on the bottom of my pants. I tried to focus my attention on the buzzing in my ears from my bad headphones as Dr. Skinner, our program director, explain the significance of yet another pile of ancient rocks.
“The synagogue that you see now, is not the synagogue that Christ would have gone to, but is a 2nd century synagogue, built over the synagogue Christ would have visited during his lifetime."Dr. Skinner related.
I was sitting on a hard bench, made of limestone (because everything was made of limestone), I looked to my right were Dr. Skinner point. From my view I could only see half of what would have been a strong stone wall, and a row of what would be white pillars running parallel to it. I tried to picture what the completed structure would have looked like in my mind as I hastily typed out Dr. Skinners comments in the notes section of my phone.

It had been another typical Sunday morning. My alarm went off at 7:30, but I didn’t get up till 8:30. I looked in the mirror and cursed myself for not getting out of bed earlier, I was not going to look good today. With roommates in tow, I sat down just as we started singing the opening hymn. The fluorescent lights in the Varsity Theater were dim and encouraged my heavy eyes to close. I cursed my luck that this week Relief Society would be in here as well, because we were ten minutes into the meeting and I was already struggling.

             Jacob always knew how to make me feel better about myself. I remember on night; we had just picked up so treats from the supermarket behind our house (Jacob always got a soda and I’d by chocolate) and had walked to the park by our house. The air was brisk, and the light was slowly retreating as we sat under the park ramada. Our conversation was on nothing of importance, until I started relating a current struggle I had had with a close friend. His ears perked up and he faced me.


  1. Siera, I really liked your last entry. I think you could remove some of the more concrete concepts in your second entry especially, and it would become a little more interesting. All in all though, I think you do a fantastic job in your descriptive elements.

  2. I like the many concrete details you included in the first entry, but I also like the more sublime nature of the last entry (I am able to see the type of relationship you have with Jacob with the way you described the scene).
