Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Three Scenes from Marcus's Life

-      I clap my coated hands together forcefully blasting off loose remnants of chalk. Looking around, I notice gymnast doing the same thing next to their stations; it’s as if small clouds have entered from outside, leaving cumulous clumps floating above each apparatus. The once vibrant colors of each hanging banner are now a faint pastel, swaying back and forth from the cool current of AC vents.

-      Climbing through the tangle of branches, I feel as though I am trapped in a spider’s web. My coat sleeves and pant legs caught by the fangs of berry bushes and a thick brown sludge created from the mouth of a spicket swallowed my shoe whole. I knew I wouldn’t make it home without a struggle – this canyon was too vast and mysterious for any adventurer to leave unmaimed.

-      Surrounded by pillows, reclining slightly with a movie screen propped up, I create myself a home theater. Without leaving, only adjusting, I now sit straight up with books scattered across the sheets and typing away as though I sit in an office chair working on reports. Clearing my blanketed workspace of all worldly debris and without touching the floor, I slip into the sheets; finally enjoying my bed for its true purpose – sleep. 


  1. I liked the last one the best, probably because it's what I"m doing right now as I'm doing my homework in bed before I go to sleep. The parts I liked the best were the super concrete details.

  2. I like your second entry as well, probably since i love outdoor recreation so much. I love your description of branches being like spiderwebs. Also your description and details relating to your shoe being swallowed whole evokes the image well in my mind!

  3. The imagery in all three is awesome. I have a clear image in my head of each scene.

  4. I really liked the image from the first scene. It was a creative way to focus on the little details.
