Monday, September 16, 2019

The Book of Mormon as Literature

I am intrigued by Hardy's approach to reading The Book of Mormon as a literary work. While I am familiar with The Book of Mormon, it was beneficial to have the headings and read it out of the context that I am used to. While I was reading, I remembered that the original publication of The Book of Mormon did not include any form of punctuation. Thinking about reading The Book of Mormon without any punctuation or clear chapters seems daunting, so I appreciate the opportunity to read it from a literary analysis perspective. Hardy's revision of the book gives it greater meaning historically not only as a spiritual book of scripture, but as a literary genre as well. It is easier to read and appreciate the plot and narrative of the book with further editing and revision that Hardy has included. There was a time on my mission where I took a red pencil and made grammatical corrections in my copy of The Book of Mormon so I am appreciative that others have noticed some of the same structural changes that make the book easier to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of being able to appreciate the punctuation. I feel like i would hate trying to read something without it. I think we take it for granted these days for sure!
