Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ana's Literary Analysis of the Book of Mormon

For my literary analysis, I decided to focus on 2 Nephi 9. I paid particular attention to the perspective, as it's mostly Jacob bearing his testimony and prophesying (but there are brief moments where the POV shifts to God). I also noticed how different characters (such as Lucifer) were introduced, or different parts of the Plan, as it plays a critical role in 2 Nephi 9. I was taking note of major themes as I annotated as well: remembrance, ordinances/covenants, repentance, avoiding sin, perfection, etc. If I were to do this exercise again, I think I would focus more on the symbolism, and how it is being used in the chapter.


  1. I think symbolism would be awesome to look at in the literary process. I personally probably looked at too many themes and nuances that Mormon incorporated in my section, but i can appreciate how you narrowed your focus into the most important parts such as the Plan of Salvation and what the narrator is saying about remembrance, ordinances, sin and perfection. These are important themes and though they are tied directly to personal religious beliefs, I wonder what literary importance these themes would have on audience as well.

  2. It is interesting to choose a chapter solely based on a testimony - I feel like you could learn a lot about an individual and as you mentioned, the themes really focus on ones' salvation. I would also be curious to learn more about the setting and the historical context of Jacob during this time.

  3. I really like the themes that you focused on and how you questioned Jacob's definitions of concepts like "Hell" and "perfect knowledge." As we are reading Jacob's testimony here, an understanding of Jacob's views of these concepts, as well as the historical context (as Marcus mentioned), would be extremely helpful as we interpret and analyze this as literature.
