Saturday, September 21, 2019

Julie's Extraordinary Experience

  • During the summer of 2018, I faced a lot of doubt—doubt in regards to my career, marriage, and whether I should go on a mission. 
  • My parents and friends, scared of the stereotype of the English major who can’t find a job, were reminding me that I needed to be more serious about my career decision. 
  • After much thought and prayer, I decided that I was going to go to school for just one more year before leaving on a mission.
  • However, I still felt unsettled about my choice of career. I thought I had settled on editing—but every time that I tried editing fiction, I was miserable.
  • The aftermath: After months of frustration and praying about my career, I had a dream one night where a friend told me that understanding and revelation come one step at a time, not all at once. After that, the pieces slowly fit together. I soon started dating my future husband (who I wouldn’t have met if I had gone on my mission earlier). I was offered an internship where I was surprised to discover that my strengths lay in editing nonfiction. My view of revelation and God’s role in our individual lives was forever changed by that whole experience.


  1. This is a big life changing experience. I think often this genre that we call "personal essay" in LDS theology can be a variety of things, such a a journal entry or a didactic message in the which you could influence someones life. I think that thinking about your audience and what you what to spark in them would help make this into a great personal essay!

  2. I can relate to the major/career opportunities--People (especially family) often question my decision about being an English major, thinking there's no point. They don't know why I would got to grad school if I might not find anything afterwards. I like how you incorporated how your love life into what happened with your career--it adds a twist.

  3. I love your life lesson, because I have had similar experiences in my life as I have tried to make big decisions. It always seems to come after we have done what we can do and the timing is right. I also think it is so awesome you received your revelation in a dream. That is one thing I have always wanted to happen to me!
