Saturday, September 21, 2019

Siera's Personal Essay: Learning my Relationship with My Heavenly Father

  • I spent a good portion of my mission severely depressed. I believed that what I was doing was never good enough. I finished my mission honorably, but was still broken inside. 
  • The first year back was hard, I checked all the boxes, started working in the temple,  and prayed everyday for answer. One day while writing in my journal and complaining that God had never answered my prayers, I realized that he had and I started to heal. 
  • The next year I lived with some really good friends who listened to me and encouraged me when I was feeling down. Slowly my perspective of God and myself began to change. 
  • That summer I went to Jerusalem, and after some of the hardest days of my life, I believed that God loved me and had a complete change of perspective. 


  1. I like how you titled your post with "learning...", as it's a process. It isn't something that happened over night.

  2. I love the idea of writing about your mission. True, honest mission experiences need to be shared to break down the stigma that exists in our culture about what a mission "should" be.

  3. A changed perspective and relationship with God are invaluable and I think this topic would be beneficial to many readers. The nature of God is something that is a personal process and too often we want to have the same experiences as others and also experience the 'burning of the bosom' but by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and discussing these things, it is easier to understand that God loves us unconditionally and that may look different for different people.

    1. I agree! It really is a personal process to come to really understand what has been taught to us about Him our entire live.

  4. I think hearing some of the difficulties of serving a mission while dealing with depression would be really helpful for those dealing with the same thing. This is an awesome topic.
