Monday, September 9, 2019

Learning to Rely on the Gospel through Journaling

Two weeks before I was going to take my driving test, I got into a car accident that resulted in an intense fear of driving. As I worked to overcome this fear the following summer, I documented in my journal the frustration that I was feeling because I didn’t seem to make any progress. Part of me expected that if I just kept on praying, I would eventually get in the car and my fear would magically dissolve. That did not happen. 

What did happen, however, was that as I gave what effort I could, Heavenly Father took care of the rest. Slowly the driving became easier. And when I was ready, I took and passed my driving test.

As I now look back at my account of my frustration—and my ultimate success when I was finally able to take my driving test—I realize what a significant role the Atonement played in my life as I struggled to emotionally heal from the accident and fight my weakness. Without frequent prayer and scripture study, I would not have had the courage to get back behind the wheel every day. 

My reflections have also matured my understanding of the gospel. Instead of expecting Heavenly Father to take away my fears or disappointments, I ask for His help in strengthening me enough to face those feelings. Because of my journal, I can vividly remember the journey I had. Looking back on this experience helps me realize that I can have the strength and comfort that comes from the gospel as I face later fears and challenges. Writing this experience strengthened my faith in God and the hand that He has in our personal lives.


  1. I like how we are able to know the impact the crash had on you. You also demonstrated that getting over the fear it wasn't immediate, which helps you appear more human.
