Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dorothy Smith Questions about LDS Literature

Questions about LDS Literature

  • How can we assume LDS literature to be a credible source when it has primarily been written by men and excluded the perspective of women? 
  • To what extent should LDS literature be read and studied? 
  • How should one read and perceive LDS literature when there is also a constant increase in anti-LDS literature?
  • By what standard is a text considered “good” or “bad” LDS literature?
  • Is it fair to compare LDS literature to other literary works that are comparable during the time it was written? 
  • What extent does LDS literature have on a global scale?


  1. Your last question is compelling, mainly because only recently has the Church been imagined as "global". Does the community come before the literature?

  2. Your fourth question is interesting because it raises the question of what standards we use to judge LDS literature. If LDS literature is encouraged to be unorthodox and separate from the standards of the world, then is it really fair to use worldly standards to judge its quality?

  3. I like your second question because it makes me think of all the audiences that i may or may not be writing to as an LDS writer.

  4. That first question is a really good one. I guess maybe we dont have writings from women?
