Friday, December 13, 2019

Final Essay - Hollywood Movie: The Book of Mormon

Related imageAlthough I was exposed to a lot more LDS literature than I ever have been (at least works outside the church cannon) I feel there are a lot of genres, topics or approaches that I am not familiar with or haven’t encountered within LDS literature or LDS creative arts. With that said, I feel that a Hollywood interpretation of the Book of Mormon would be very interesting, and I believe it hasn’t been done. I say Hollywood, because that would allow for dramatization and exploration outside the book itself. Currently, there is a production from the Church remaking the Book of Mormon, but its audience seems to draw towards those already familiar with the gospel and principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Many would possibly agree that a misrepresentation of the Book of Mormon and its stories could be harmful to the Church; however, I would disagree. I think any exposure to the Book of Mormon is a move in the right direction, even if directors produce such pieces as try to and demean the religion – they’ve tried and failed before with the Book of Mormon Broadway.

I would suggest that each book or so within the Book of Mormon be made into a series as to include many of the events and elements. I understand that Hollywood doesn’t do justice to many book-to-movie productions, but if there was a very well-done production, I think it would have an incredible impact on the story. Yes, there are areas that would be considered ‘R’ rated, but this future historical fiction film has enough action, romance, etc. that would draw the attention of many outside the Church. Although a Hollywood version would bring in a lot more fiction, attention to the book could also draw curiosity. I am not implying that the movie be created for the sole purpose of missionary efforts, but I think the stories hold incredible accounts that are often misrepresented or misunderstood because of lack of dramatization.

As a subgroup to LDS creative arts and literature, I feel that many of our films are directed towards LDS audiences. My question is, what if we (or someone outside the church) created them for a general audience? Movies such as Exodus, Prince of Egypt, The Passion of Christ, and Noah have all expanded on Biblical stories – some with more success than others. Many audiences are familiar with these stories which may be the cause of success or failure for each of them, but the Book of Mormon could be displayed in a manner that doesn’t focus on a Mormon audience. Imagine exciting trailers retelling the Book of Mormon – I think it would be an interesting form of media that hasn’t been done before – well at least, not quite like Hollywood.

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