Sunday, September 22, 2019

Marcus' Personal Essay: In Due Time

In Due Time (a possible title for my personal essay): Being comfortable with my own timeline and not worrying about social pressures of the “standard” timeline for life occurrences. 
-      Construct a basic understanding that there are social pressures at BYU and within the Church of Jesus Christ that cause young adults to fear “falling behind”. There is no such thing.
-      Certain points that were considered “late”: being comfortable with myself, going less active and becoming associated with the gospel, progression within the mission, starting my undergrad as a transfer student, joining athletics, dating, etc.
-      There are specific details about ones lives that cause them to take paths that stray from the expected – this isn’t wrong, but a path of understanding oneself and their potential.
-      Explain what “in due time” means under a worldly definition as well as an eternal definition. There is a big difference between what we see on this earth and what we try to accomplish in the time given, compared to the time we have to prepare in the eternities. 

-      Being able to adjust your timeline based on experiences as well as understanding your relationship with God and the paths he has opened for each of us.


  1. Honestly, I'm impressed by how straightforward your personal essay outline is. This may be wrong of me, but sometimes my outlines for an expository or personal statement revolves around the humorous points. Like, the humor is part of the outline. The dots wouldn't be as tightly connected. Of course, you may just want to write a nice, sincere, thoughtful personal essay. That is probably your aim here.

  2. This outline seems like a great start to your personal essay. It is concise and direct and from what I can tell, you have put a lot of thought into it. I think by using personal experiences, this is a topic that many can relate to.

  3. This seems really interesting! I am excited to read what the story are behind these points.

  4. This is topic that sounds relatable for a lot of people here at BYU. I'm excited to see how this turns out!

  5. I love the first one, I'd totally read that! I'd love to hear some of those ideas. The last one is interesting too. Sounds more gospelly.

  6. This is a really solid outline for your paper. I think it's one that a lot of Mormons, and possibly especially BYU students, will relate to intimately. I think your personal and vulnerable spin on it makes it even more open to be related to. This is awesome!
