Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dorothy Smith Personal Essay Ideas

A common theme throughout the essays assigned about personal essays is the effort to create a space in the LDS community where one can share their stories and thoughts in a way that will connect to a larger audience. With that in mind, I compiled some of my experiences as an LDS member that have resonated with me and connect to the bigger picture. 

  • Unexpectedly returning home from my mission earlier than anticipated and navigating unfamiliar cultural standards about coming home earlier than expected. 
  • Deciding to return to the mission field, getting a new mission call and repeating the process for going on a mission a second time. 
  • How I have learned to proceed when some of my political perspectives do not align with the Church. 
  • What I have learned, and want other modern LDS women to know about creating a space of her own within a Church that is predominantly patriarchal. 
  • How has my writing style been impacted by the LDS literature I grew up reading.


  1. Hearing about your return from your mission and then going back out would be awesome to hear, and I think probably something a lot of kids out there need to hear.

  2. Plenty of good material here for potential essays. I’d love for you to explore some of these in more detail, especially those that might seem challenging to yourself or to others or to the faithful of our religion. Such exploration can be private, especially in early stages. You’ll find your way to what can/should be shared. But first dig into what really grabs your own attention.

  3. I could see you combining a couple of these in order to create a more raw personal essay. Your first 2 are sort of hot topics right now and would maybe help you tie things together in your mind. I have found that helps.

  4. I think that's great that you are already keeping your potential non-Latter-day Saint audience in mind as you brainstorm your ideas. You have some interesting ideas; I am very intrigued by the idea of how the LDS woman can create her own space in a mostly patriarchal church and how your own experience relates to this.
