Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Jer3miah: Siera's Response

My first thoughts as the screen went black were, "That was good. Why was it so good?" As I pondered this question, here are the first things that came to mind. In my mind I would say that the first thing was the over all quality of the video, actors, and plot. Taking it outside the realm of LDS media for second, this story can stand on its own two feet (evident by the attention from the New York Times) it would have been good quality without the LDS cultural ties. The actors were good, the plot was multi-faceted, and the video was clear and well filmed.  
Now bringing it back to the LDS world it was not blatantly didactic. You knew that there were things that Jeremiah needed to learn and understand, but it wasn't clear. One scene that I feel like demonstrates this particularly well is when he goes to the concert instead of FHE. At first you think that the test was about whether or not he was going to go to FHE, but it was so much more complex than that. You couldn't pinpoint exactly where he went wrong and it seems like some of his bad actions led to him getting the box at the end. I also feel like it was also paying homage to sacred things though. Like revelation and foreordination. I feel like it is a dance to get that all right and the creator had all the right moves. 
I really what the review we read said about it. I feel like the story was authentic and that is what made it good.   

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