Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Henry's Literary Journal Exercise

Journal Entry:
I woke up this morning and got straight to homework before class at noon. I’m trying to stay a few days ahead so I don’t fall behind. Classes were normal, although I learned some weird stuff about The Book of Mormon and how it was translated. Crazy. After class just went to the library and got some more studying done before dinner with Sam at Taco Bell. After that we basically just sat at the Romneys and chatted. Nothing special but I had a good time. Pumped for movie Tuesday tomorrow night.
-          Lots of Homework
-          Class
-          More Homework
-          Dinner with Sam
-          Romneys House
(rushed, literal)

I woke up 3 minutes before the alarm went off. Literally nothing worse. I hate starting the day and just diving straight into homework. My morning routine felt rushed. My classes were boring as always. Except we learned some weirdddd stuff about Joseph Smith. Idk. I got trapped at the library for a few more hours then Sam and I hurried to T Bell for dinner. Then basically just sat at the Romneys for a while..I’m kinda sick of just sitting around
(Negative, annoyed)
Even though my personal study was rushed this morning, I’m glad I took the time to sit down and pray and read. I think it helped me in my studies throughout the morning. My classes weren’t too bad so that’s nice, although I learned about Joseph Smith translating the Book of Mormon by looking into a hat? That was wild, but it didn’t really bother me too much. I got to see some friends at the library before Sam and I went to Taco Bell for din. Always hits the spot. Then we basically just hung at the Romneys house for the night. We didn’t do anything but I love just sitting there and talking to them. I feel lucky to be friends with them.
(happy, grateful)
I’m tired so this might be short. I’m getting kinda sick of the day in day out routine. It’s just getting old. I feel like I just do the same thing over and over again. I need to find new ways to be happy throughout the day. My schoolwork is weighing down on me. I constantly want to lay down and nap but I never have the time. I need to go to bed.
(no effort, tired)
Who knew that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon using a hat? I mean I guess I knew about the seer stones, but looking into a hat was a little bit of a twist. I appreciate that BYU is teaching this stuff in depth instead of glossing over it, though. I think that is the right approach. And when I think about it, is there any way that translating an ancient text would seem normal? Like, it had to happen somehow. So it’s whatever. Just kinda surprising to hear at first. Anyways, my day was good. Just normal study and homework stuff then went and chilled with friends.
(focused, optimistic)

Using a different approach each time helped me to focus on different aspects of my day. It is interesting to see the different things that come to mind when I choose to write more about certain topics.


  1. With this journal entry, I liked your second approach because I felt like the style went with what you were trying to portray.

  2. I also noticed, that when I was focusing and writing about the negative, I felt even more negative, and when i focused on the optimistic things that had happened, my day wasn't as mundane. I wonder if i continue to write, looking for optimism, if that would inspire me to do more optimistic things. I'm not sure, but i liked all of your entries!

  3. I like how you categorized the journals by emotional response. It's true that when you write a journal, because a journal probably has the most authorial influence out of any sort of literature. Each one of these entries appear written by different people, but they really are the same person with different focuses.
