Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Avatar and the Atonement

Movie Interpretation:
I largest connection that I made with LDS culture and the movie Avatar was the interconnection between the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement with the main character, Jake Sully. For example, the plot seemed to go along the lines of Jake (a spirit) coming down from heaven (outer space) to a world (Pandora) and gaining a body (his avatar), learning how the body works and learning of its connection within the world and its creator or spirit (Eywa). Another perspective is seeing Jake Sully with his broken body being restored into a whole and new body with his avatar (resurrection) or Dr. Grace Augustine dying and being received by Eywa.

Article Interpretation:
The article seemed to go along the same lines as my thought process and I enjoyed the connection of the veil; being able to experience both sides of the veil as a spirit (human form) and as body (avatar form). The bit about resurrection and the permanent embodiment I agreed with as this was the most prominent aspect of the movie for myself. I thought it was interesting the Professor Burton made stab at “avatars of experience”. I find it interesting that the things that we interact with could also be considered avatars – that which “stretch our souls to find their truest form.”


  1. I really enjoyed reading about the perspective you took relating Jake Sully and the atonement. It was very similar to what Dr. Burton wrote, only he speaks specifically about LDS culture and belief as that. However, I didn't see any sacrifice like the Savior in the life of Jake Sully, but i did see it more in Grace, when she takes the bullet, trying to do whats right, but even that was a little forced.

  2. I also liked how you incorporated the plan of salvation and atonement. The Plan of Salvation was more obvious to me, but I hadn't connected the Atonement to the film.

  3. I liked that you brought up the Atonement. During the film I was waiting for the significance of Grace's name to manifest itself (I couldn't really think of her as a Christ figure), but I think your connection between the Plan of Salvation and Grace being received by Eywa after her death makes Grace's death an important part of the film.

  4. I am impressed that you caught on to the plan of salvation thing at the beginning. That did not really cross my mind at all. I also like you comment about how the things we interact with can also be avatars.
